Can Clorox and Lysol be Mixed?

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Written By Sally

Meet Sally, a website content writer with a passion for maintaining a clean and tidy home. With years of experience in the cleaning industry, Sally has developed a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the various liquid cleaners used for cleaning different parts of a home.

Her expertise in this area makes her a valuable resource for anyone looking to keep their home sparkling clean.

When it comes to cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, it’s important to use the right products to get the job done effectively. Many people wonder whether they can mix cleaning products, such as Clorox and Lysol, to create a more potent disinfectant. In this post, I will explore the answer to the question “Can Clorox and Lysol be mixed?” and provide some tips on how to safely use these products to keep your home clean and germ-free.

What is Clorox?

Clorox is a brand of bleach that is commonly used as a household cleaner and disinfectant. It is known for its powerful cleaning properties and ability to kill germs on surfaces. Clorox contains sodium hypochlorite, which is the active ingredient that makes it an effective disinfectant.

What is Lysol?

Lysol is another brand of cleaning and disinfecting products that are widely used in households. Lysol products contain a range of active ingredients, including quaternary ammonium compounds, hydrogen peroxide, and sodium hypochlorite, depending on the specific product.

Can Clorox and Lysol be mixed?

No, Clorox and Lysol should not be mixed together. Mixing these two products can create a dangerous chemical reaction that can result in toxic fumes and other harmful effects. It is important to never mix cleaning products together unless it is specifically stated on the product label that they can be safely combined.

Why shouldn’t Clorox and Lysol be mixed?

The reason why Clorox and Lysol should not be mixed is that they contain different active ingredients that can react with each other and create harmful byproducts. This reaction can release chlorine gas, which is a poisonous gas that can cause respiratory problems, eye irritation, and other health issues.

What are the dangers of mixing Clorox and Lysol?

Mixing Clorox and Lysol can result in the release of toxic fumes, which can be harmful if inhaled. These fumes can cause respiratory problems, eye irritation, headaches, and other health issues. In severe cases, the fumes can even be deadly.

What should you do if you accidentally mix Clorox and Lysol?

If you accidentally mix Clorox and Lysol, it is important to immediately leave the area and get fresh air. You should also call a poison control center or seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms such as coughing, difficulty breathing, or chest pain. It is important to never mix cleaning products together and to always follow the instructions on the product label.

How to safely use Clorox and Lysol

To safely use Clorox and Lysol, it is important to follow the instructions on the product label carefully. This includes wearing gloves and protective clothing if recommended, and ensuring proper ventilation in the area where the product is being used. It is also important to never mix cleaning products together and to store them in a cool, dry place away from children and pets.

Tips for disinfecting surfaces

To effectively disinfect surfaces, it is important to use the product as directed and to let it sit on the surface for the recommended amount of time. This allows the product to fully disinfect and kill any germs or bacteria that may be present. It is also important to regularly clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, light switches, and countertops, to help prevent the spread of germs.


In conclusion, Clorox and Lysol should never be mixed together. Mixing these products can create a dangerous chemical reaction that can release toxic fumes and cause serious health problems. It is important to always follow the instructions on the product label and to never mix cleaning products together. By using these products safely and effectively, you can keep your home clean and germ-free.

FAQs on Can Clorox and Lysol be Mixed

Can I use Clorox and Lysol separately to disinfect my home?

Yes, Clorox and Lysol can be used separately to effectively disinfect your home. Just be sure to follow the instructions on the product label for safe and effective use.

Can I use Clorox and Lysol together if I dilute them?

No, Clorox and Lysol should never be mixed together, even if they are diluted. This can still create a dangerous chemical reaction.

Can mixing Clorox and Lysol cause an explosion?

While mixing Clorox and Lysol is unlikely to cause an explosion, it can release toxic fumes that can be harmful if inhaled.

What should I do if I accidentally mix Clorox and Lysol and inhale the fumes?

If you accidentally mix Clorox and Lysol and inhale the fumes, it is important to immediately leave the area and get fresh air. You should also call a poison control center or seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms.

Are there any cleaning products that can be safely mixed with Clorox or Lysol?

It is generally not recommended to mix cleaning products together. If you need to use multiple cleaning products, it is best to use them separately and according to the instructions on the product label.

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